PHP Classes

Mask: Trait to process templates with class functions

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2022-10-21 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 69%Total: 181 This week: 1All time: 8,624 This week: 491Up
Version License PHP version Categories
mask 1.0.2MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, Templates, Traits
Description Author

This class provides a trait to process templates with class functions.

It can be included on a class to process templates and use the class function call return values or variable values to replace in the template.

The template engine can compile the templates into PHP scripts and cache them to avoid further processing. It also supports:

1. Conditional sections
2. Foreach iteration loop sections
3. Include external templates

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2016
Number 12
Template engines are frequently used in PHP applications to generate Web pages or some kind of other output from template files or strings, as they make it easy to separate login from presentation code.

Usually you use a component that processes a template file or a string and replaces some variables with values passed to the template engine.

This package provides an alternative approach by using a trait that can be used by any class. The template variables are replaced by the values of class variables or return values of class functions with the same names.

This way developers can easily turn templates into classes of their own that they can call to generate their applications output.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Marco Afonso
Name: Marco Afonso <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Portugal Portugal
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x




Mask is a PHP trait that functions as a basic PHP template engine


__create a simple view to hold ALL view logic__

class MyView
    protected $title = 'Hello';
    protected function logic()
        return 'World!';

__add mask__

use Taviroquai\Mask\Mask;

class MyView
    use Mask;
    protected $title = 'Hello';
    protected function logic()
        return 'World!';

__now create an HTML file: template.html__

{{ title }}
{{ if logic }}{{ logic }}{{ endif }}

__finally use it in PHP as__

$view = new MyView;
echo $view->mask('template');




Call variables and methods

{{ variableName }} {{ methodName }}


{{ if methodOrVariableName }} ... something ... {{ endif }}

Foreach loops

{{ for variable as local }}

{{ local }}  

{{ endfor }}


__include partial.html__ {{ include partial }}


// Set cache path
Mask::$templateCachePath = './path/to/cache';

// Set templates path
Mask::$templatePath = './path/to/templates';

// Choose what properties to publish by overriding getMaskData()
class MyView
    use Mask;
    protected $property1;
    protected $property2;
    public function getMaskData()
        return array(
            'property2' => 'override'
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