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Convert Number to Text with Soros: Spell number with text in multiple languages

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2013-02-12 (3 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 530 All time: 5,364 This week: 1,042Up
Version Licenses PHP version Categories
number-text-soros 0.9.5BSD License, GNU ...5Localization, PHP 5, Text processing, F...
Description Author

This package can spell a number with words in different languages supported by a definition in the Soros format.

It can take a number or a money amount and convert it to a text using words of a specified language.

Many languages are supported by using language conversion definition files in the Soros format.

The class can parse a Soros file and extract the definitions to be able convert the given number in words of the specified language.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2013
Number 4
Spelling a number using words of a given language is a problem that developers encounter frequently when developing applications that deal with money or other types of numeric values.

A language named Soros was created to define how amounts should be spelled in different languages.

This class can spell a number with words of any supported language by reading the rules from a Soros language definition file.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Pavel Astakhov
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file Sample1.php Example simple example of using
Plain text file Numbertext.php Class Sample class to work with Soros
Plain text file Soros.php Class Soros interpreter
Accessible without login Plain text file af_ZA.sor Data af_ZA language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file ca_ES.sor Data ca_ES language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file cs_CZ.sor Data cs_CZ language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file da_DK.sor Data da_DK language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file de_DE.sor Data de_DE language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file el_EL.sor Data el_EL language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file en_IN.sor Data en_IN language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file en_US.sor Data en_US language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file en_US_2.sor Data en_US_2 language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file eo.sor Data eo language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file es_ES.sor Data es_ES language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file fi_FI.sor Data fi_FI language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file fr_BE.sor Data fr_BE language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file fr_CH.sor Data fr_CH language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file fr_FR.sor Data fr_FR language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file he_IL.sor Data he_IL language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file Hung.sor Data Hung language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file Hung_2.sor Data Hung_2 language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file hu_HU.sor Data hu_HU language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file hu_HU_2.sor Data hu_HU_2 language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file id_ID.sor Data id_ID language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file it_IT.sor Data it_IT language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file ja_JP.sor Data ja_JP language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file ja_JP_2.sor Data ja_JP_2 language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file ko_KP.sor Data ko_KP language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file ko_KR.sor Data ko_KR language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file lb_LU.sor Data lb_LU language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file lt_LT.sor Data lt_LT language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file lv_LV.sor Data lv_LV language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file nl_NL.sor Data nl_NL language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file pl_PL.sor Data pl_PL language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file pt_BR.sor Data pt_BR language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file pt_PT.sor Data pt_PT language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file Roman.sor Data Roman language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file Roman_2.sor Data Roman_2 language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file ro_RO.sor Data ro_RO language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file ru_RU.sor Data ru_RU language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file sh_RS.sor Data sh_RS language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file sl_SI.sor Data sl_SI language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file sr_RS.sor Data sr_RS language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file Suzhou.sor Data Suzhou language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file sv_SE.sor Data sv_SE language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file th_TH.sor Data th_TH language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file tr_TR.sor Data tr_TR language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file vi_VN.sor Data vi_VN language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file zh_ZH.sor Data zh_ZH language for Soros class
Accessible without login Plain text file zh_ZH_2.sor Data zh_ZH_2 language for Soros class

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