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PHP HTML Image Map: Generate HTML for image maps

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2023-12-21 (5 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 85 All time: 10,021 This week: 129Up
Version License PHP version Categories
html-image-map 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...8HTML, Graphics, GUI, PHP 8


Ujah Chigozie
Nanoblock Technology


This package can generate HTML for image maps.

It can take an image URL and the definition of areas of the image that will be associated with URLs of pages that the user browser will be redirected to when the user clicks on those image areas.

The package can generate HTML for image maps to display the image with clickable areas.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2023
Number 3
Image maps can be present in HTML web pages to let the users interact with the pages visually by clicking on graphical images.

This package simplifies generating image maps for pages showing images to lead users to pages they want to go to on a Website.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ujah Chigozie peter
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 11x



Recommendation for a PHP class to generate imagemap
Generate an imagemap by drawing rectangles over an image


Class Image Map

Generate image map, based on coordinates

Installation Guide via Composer:

composer require nanoblocktech/html-image-map


Initialize class

use Luminova\ExtraUtils\ImageMapper\ImageMapper;
$map = new ImageMapper();

Create image mapping It will return instance of ImageMapAreas

$image = $map->addImage('');

Add your map, areas and coordinate b

$area = $image->addArea(ImageMapper::RECTANGLE, 'My Area Title');
$area->setCoordinates([44, 180, 60]);

$area2 = $image->addArea(ImageMapper::CIRCLE, 'My Area 2  Title');
$area2->setCoordinates([100, 380, 60]);

// Get your image map


Methods For ImageMapper()

$map = new ImageMapper();

Methods And Param | Descriptions -----------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------- addImage(string image, string description, string name): ImageMapAreas | Add new image set

ImageMapper Constant Variable

Name | Type | Descriptions -----------------|-----------|------------------------------------ RECTANGLE | String | Image mapping shape for rectangular area CIRCLE | String | Image mapping shape for circle area POLYGON | String | Image mapping shape for polygon area DEFAULT | String | Image mapping shape for default BIND_LINK | String | Bind area click to href link href="" BIND_JS | String | Bind area click to javascript onClick onclick="myFunction();"

Methods For addImage()

$image = $map->addImage('');

Methods And Param | Descriptions ---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------- addArea(string type, string title): self | Add map area and return ImageMapAreas instance bindClick(string type, string action): void | Bind click event action to area setCoordinates(array coords): void | Set area coordinates addCoordinate(int left, int top, int pixels): void | Add coordinate same as setCoordinates except this accept param build(string id, string class): string | Build and get html image map string display(string id, string class): void | Display html image map. shorthand for echo build() get(string id, string class): string | Get html image map string, shorthand for build()

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