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Laravel CRUD Builder: Generate code to implement a CRUD interface

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laravelcrudbuilder 1.0.3Free For Educatio...7.3PHP 5, Databases, Libraries, Code Gen...
Description Author

This package can generate code to implement a CRUD interface.

It takes as parameter a configuration file in JSON format that defines many parameters of a CRUD interface that this package can generate implementation code.

Currently the package can generate controller, model and view classes from configuration parameters like database connection parameters and tables with records that will be manipulated by the CRUD interface.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2020
Number 9
A CRUD based interface is a common Web site application design pattern that can be used to perform regular operations on records of data stored in a database table or other forms of structured data format.

Many applications need to implement many different types of CRUD interfaces. Therefore they can benefit from automated solutions to generate the code to implement such kind of CRUD interfaces.

This package can generate code for all types of files to implement CRUD interfaces from configuration defined in JSON format.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of saulo hernandez
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


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Laravel CRUD generator is a tool designed for Rapid Develpment
en task repetitives, this tools generate Views, Controllers, and Models
for PHP Laravel Framework 5.8 and grather.


 Builder for Laravel 7.0 by Saulo Hernandez O.  

 Based in AdminLTE V3 template  (copyright                                                            
 Command :  php builder |parameter #1 parameter #2 parameter #3|                                            
 Paramaters :                                                                                               
        GenStructure=file.json  -> generate file JSON if database structure based in .ENV file , this command execute alone
        and not execute together whit the other commands                                                      
        configfile=file.json file with the structure en database generated                                            
        tables=| All  or  table 1,table 2,...,table n|  Tables that you want generate                          
        make=|controller,|model,|view,route generate Controllers, Models, View and/or routes of tables
         (genrate file webroutes.php, this file maybe included in web.php)

Note: Put This file in new Laravel folder project

	file.json structure  EXAMPLE:
	    "Database": "creeserjuntos",
	    "DatabaseType": "MySql",
	    "host": "",
	    "dbuser": "root",
	    "dbpassword": "",
	    "Tables": [ /* Array of Objects of tables  */
            "TableName": "contactos",
            "config": {
                "editPage": "upd_contactos.php",
                "newPage": "add_contactos.php",
                "viewPage": "view_contactos.php",
                "functionEdit": "",
                "functionDelete": "",
                "functionView": "",
                "PrimaryKey": "id",
                "buttons": {
                    "Add": true,
                    "Delete": true,
                    "Edit": true,
                    "View": true
            "fields": [/*Array of Objects of fields of table */
                    "FieldName": "id",		 --> Field Name
                    "TableName": "contactos",	 --> Table Container belong field
                    "LongMax": "0",		 --> Long of Field
                    "Long": "20",                --> Long of Database Type 
                    "NumberCharSet": "63",       --> Char Set
                    "Flags": "36865",            --> Database Flags
                    "FormType": "Text",          --> Form Input Type (Text, Date, Relation(Select2),Radio, Check, Boolean,Email,List)
                    "SubType": "",		 --> Used with specified behavior of Formtype ()
                    "Label": "",		 --> Label show in Form
                    "PK": "true",		 --> Tthe field is PK = true or false
                    "AI": "true",                --> The Field is Auto Increment
                    "Validation": "" ,/* laravel validation rules*/
                    "TableRel": "",		 --> This config is use with FormType=Relation, TableRel = Table related
                    "FieldRel": "",              --> This config is use with FormType=Relation, FielRel = Pk Field in Table ralated
                    "FieldDisplay": "",          --> Fiels displayed in result of relation
                    "ChildTable": "",		 --> not used yet
                    "IdParent": "",		 --> not used yet
                    "ChildDisplay": "",		 --> not used yet
                    "UseCombo": "",		 --> used if showing a Select Box with Result of relation
                    "ShowInList": "",		 --> If this field showing in index view
                    "ShowInDetails": "",	 --> if this field showing in Details view in master detail view (not yet used)
                    "ShowInCreate": "",	 --> if this field showing in Details view create
                    "ShowInEdit": "",	 --> if this field showing in Details view edit
                    "ReadOnly": "",		 --> If this field is read only in form
                    "Format": "",                --> Formating view of this field in index view
                    "Width": "",
                    "Heigth": "",
                    "Values": [],		 /* array json with values in Fields type Check, Radio, List  example -> [{"Label":"Admin","Value":true},{},{}]
                    "ViewIcon":false,    /*  if is true show the icon related to value
                    "IconValues": [],    /* array json with images related to values  in Fields type Check, Radio, List example ->[{"Value":true,"Icon":"/img/admin.png"},{}], and show  front value 
                    "FieldDbType": "8"           --> Field Data base Type numeric
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageCRUDBuilder (4 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file builder Example Example script
Accessible without login Image file buildercommand.png Output screenshot
Accessible without login Plain text file db.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file ReadMe-Eng.txt Doc. Readme in English
Accessible without login Plain text file ReadMe-Esp.txt Doc. readme en EspaƱol

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All time:9,465
This week:199Up

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