PHP Class Data Structures: Manipulate data structures using arrays

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Version License PHP version Categories
dshandler 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, Data types
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This class can manipulate data structures using arrays.

It can an array that contains associative arrays of data and can perform several types of operations. Currently it can:

- Sort the array based on the values of one of the keys with a given name.
- Remove duplicate array entries that have the same value for a given key.
- Remove arrays entries with keys that have a given value.

Picture of Muhammad Umer Farooq
Name: Muhammad Umer Farooq <contact>
Classes: 46 packages by
Country: Pakistan Pakistan
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x


PHP DataStructure Handler

This package can manipulate data structures.


  1. PHP
  2. Composer


Installing this package is very simple, first ensure you have the right PHP version and composer installed then in your terminal/(command prompt) run: composer require lablnet/dshandler


1. Sort multi dimessional array based on column. 2. Remove duplicate array base on key 3. Remove array, base on key:value pair.

## TODO [ ] Allow to specificy range on remove array:

 - Like we should able to say, remove products below rating 3...


Consider the following dataset

$products = [
		'id' => 1,
		'name' => 'Test 1',
		'price' => 300,
		'rating' => 4.5
		'id' => 2,
		'name' => 'Test 2',
		'price' => 600,
		'rating' => 4.1
		'id' => 3,
		'name' => 'Test 3',
		'price' => 150,
		'rating' => 3.1
		'id' => 4,
		'name' => 'Test 4',
		'price' => 700,
		'rating' => 5
		'id' => 5,
		'name' => 'Test 5',
		'price' => 900,
		'rating' => 2.9
		'id' => 6,
		'name' => 'Test 5',
		'price' => 265,
		'rating' => 2.9

Initialise the classs

require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

$handler = new Lablnet\DSHandler();

  1. Remove array/products by key:value
    //remove array by key:value
    $handler->_remove($products, 'rating', 2.9);
    echo "<h3>Remove array by key:value</h3><pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<br>";
  2. Remove duplicate array by key
    //remove duplicate array by key
    $unique = $handler->_unique($products, 'name');
    echo "<h3>Remove duplicate value by key</h3><pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<br>";
  3. Sort the products base on price
    //Now sort the products base on price
    $sort_1_price = $products;
    $handler->_sort($sort_1_price, 'price', SORT_ASC);
    echo "<h3>Sort by price ASC</h3><pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<br>";
    $sort_2_price = $products;
    $handler->_sort($sort_2_price, 'price', SORT_DESC);
    echo "<h3>Sort by price DESC</h3><pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<br>";
  4. Sort the products based on rating
    //Now sort the product base on rating
    $sort_1_rating = $products;
    $handler->_sort($sort_1_rating, 'rating', SORT_ASC);
    echo "<h3>Sort by Rating ASC</h3><pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<br>";
    $sort_2_rating = $products;
    $handler->_sort($sort_2_rating, 'rating', SORT_DESC);
    echo "<h3>Sort by Rating DESC</h3><pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "<br>";


The example file is distrubuted with this package.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


If you have any question feel free to ask me

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