 Waya - 2006-04-11 13:36:55
Have tried it in IE and Firefox, doesn't work in either one.
Downloaded the full fileset, including images, etc.
Can't enter text in the input box, can't click on OK button.
Sounded like a good package though...
 Heriberto Mantilla Santamarķa - 2006-04-11 19:51:17 - In reply to message 1 from Waya
Wow, you're the first to tell me this, you have install php run with any server web?.
If the problem continued comment me, the screenshot is real and in my Apache server so much works in firefox as IE.
 satcom satcom - 2007-06-30 16:01:46 - In reply to message 1 from Waya
demo works fine.
change some paths, images, and it works fine.
After all, its about the classes, not the demopage.
thanks for this great class!