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File: conf.vars.php4

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File: conf.vars.php4
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: config-file
Class: phpMyCoCo
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 23 years ago
Size: 4,724 bytes



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<?php $COCO_CONF_VARS = array( // Connection Details "DBHOST" => "", "DBUSER" => "", "DBPASS" => "", "DBNAME" => "", // Table Names "TBACCESS" => "coco_access", "TBCOUNTER" => "coco_counter", "TBCOMMENT" => "coco_comment", // Reload Timeout in Seconds, 0 is log=hit "RELOADTIMEOUT" => 600, // By Default show Comments for "page" or "site" "SHOWCOMMENTSCOPE" => "page", // Require valid email "REQUIREMAIL" => "no", // Require entered text "REQUIRETEXT" => "yes", // How to format dates, default is DD.MM.YYYY (HH:MM:SS) "TIMESTRING" => "j.m.Y (H:i:s)", // Which TAGS are allowed in input? "ALLOWED_TAGS" => "<b><i><u><ul><ol><li><a>", // Where is comment.php and coco.css? "COMMENT" => "", "CSSFILE" => "", // Open Read / Write Comments in blank window? "TARGETBLANK" => "no", // Order top level comments: LATEST || FIRST (at top) "ORDER_T_COMMENTS" => "LATEST", // Order sub-level comments: LATEST || FIRST (at top) "ORDER_S_COMMENTS" => "FIRST", // PASSWORD for Site-Admin "PASSWORD" => "", // Email to use for mails from phpMyCoCo "COCOEMAIL" => "" ); $COCO_STRINGS = array ( // what gets entered if the form is not filled correctly. "ANONYMOUS" => "Anonymous Coward", "NOEMAIL" => "", "REQ_NOEMAIL" => "You did not enter any e-mail adress.", "REQ_FAILEDEMAIL" => "Unable to verify whether the supplied e-mail adress is correct.", "NOTITLE" => "No title supplied", "NOTEXT" => "No Text supplied", "REQ_TEXT" => "You did not type any text.", "STAT_PAGE_TITLE" => "Some statistics", "DESC_INPUT_TITLE" => "Enter a description for the refering page", "COM_PAGE_TITLE" => "The following comments were added:", "DESC_PWPLEASE" => "Enter your site-password here:", "DESC_TEXT" => "Enter your description here:", "DESC_SUBMIT_BUTTON" => "Submit your description", "EDIT_COMMENT" => "You are editing a comment...", "DROP_COMMENT" => "Purge this comment (children prevent this)", // Input Comment texts "NAME" => "your name:", "EMAIL" => "your e-mail:", "URL" => "your homepage - http://", "TITLE" => "title of your comment:", "REPLIES" => "I want to receive replies via e-mail", "TEXT" => "text of your comment:", "INPUT" => "Send Comment", "E_NAME" => "the author:", "E_EMAIL" => "the e-mail:", "E_URL" => "the homepage - http://", "E_TITLE" => "title of the comment:", "E_TEXT" => "text of the comment:", "E_INPUT" => "Update Comment", "WRONGPASSWORD" => "You did not supply a valid password!", // Output Texts with included regexp magic include.php "MAGIC_VIEWS" => "This page has been viewed <--HITS--> times ", "MAGIC_COMMENTS" => "and received <--COMMENTS--> comments [ " . "<--READ--> | <--WRITE--> ]", "MAGIC_LAST_COMMENT" => "Last comment (<--TITLE-->) " . "added by <--AUTHOR--> on <--DATE-->", "MAGIC_READ" => "read", "MAGIC_WRITE" => "write", // still regexp magic. Output Texts for comment.php "MAGIC_C_TITLE" => "<--AUTHOR--> wrote on <--DATE--> concerning <--TITLE-->:", "MAGIC_C_FOOT" => "[ <--ADD--> a comment | You may <--EDIT--> this " . "comment if you have administrative privileges ]", "MAGIC_ADD" => "add", "MAGIC_EDIT" => "edit", "MAGIC_AC_HEAD" => "You are adding a comment on <--TITLE-->:", "MAGIC_AC_FOOT" => "written by <--AUTHOR--> on <--DATE-->", // Page description is empty... "MAGIC_NODESCRIPTION" => "No description has been entered for the <--REFP-->" . " so far. <br>You might want to enter a <--DESCRIPTION--> now.", "REFP" => "refering page", "MAGIC_E_DESCRIPTION" => "description", "DESCRIPTION" => "The following description is available for the" . " <--REFP-->:", "MAGIC_DESCRIPTION" => "You may <--CHANGE--> this description if you " . " have administrative privileges.", "MAGIC_E_CHANGE" => "change", "MAGIC_C_MODIFIED" => "\n \nNB: This comment has been modified by an " . "administrative person on <--DATE-->", "MAGIC_REMOVED" => "NB: This comment has been removed by an " . "administrative person on <--DATE-->", // some more strings ... "DISPOSE" => "close this window", "TOP" => "top of this page", "HOMELINK" => "\n<br>[ Powered by <a target=_blank href=\"\">phpMyCoCo 0.9.9</a> written by <a href=\"\">Matthias Richter</a> (March 2001) ]", "MAILSTART" => "A web-user has added a phpMyCoCo-Comment to something \nyou asked to receive replies to by email:" ); ?>