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File: logging_document.txt

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File: logging_document.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: documentation
Class: Logging Class
A class for logging visitor data
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 791 bytes



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This class uses environment variables and date/time functions to log visitors data. It has a constructor that initializes the objects using three input parameters. These input parameters are class properties. These parameters are as follows: 1-$folder is the name of the folder the logging data are going to be saved in. 2-$logname is the name of .txt file that is going to be generated 3-$xmlname is the name of .xml file that is going to be generated This class also has three methods. The first method is create_txt() which creates a text file containing visitor data. The next method is create_xml() which acts like create_txt() method but generates an xml file and the final method is show_links. The last method can be used to show the links to the log files on the browser.