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Class: PcGen
Generate PHP code from parameters
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[comment]: # (This file is part of PcGen, PHP Code Generation support package. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence GPL 3.0)


The `PropertyMgr` class, extends [VariableMgr] class, manages class/interface/trait property code

* supports class property/constant define with PHP primitive value, array, closure or callback * default visibility is `PRIVATE`, but for class constants : `PUBLIC`, static variables : `PROTECTED` * extends [VariableMgr] with specific class directives * set directive to produce getter method for property * if single array class property, _Iterator_ is implemented * set directive to produce setter method for property * set directive to use property as argument in (opt) factory method <br><br>

PropertyMgr Methods

Inherited [Common methods]

Inherited [VariableMgr] methods

 * For the class property a get-method is produced, default true
 * ```makeGetter``` _bool_, true: produce, false no produce
    if true and single array class property, _Iterator_ is implemented
 * Note, not applicable where property is defind as constant or as (class) static property
* Return _static_

* For the class property a set-method is produced, default true * `makeSetter` _bool_, true: produce, false no produce * Note, not applicable where property is defind as constant or as (class) static property * Return _static_

 * The property will act as class::factory() argument
 * ```argInFactory``` _bool_, true: argument, false no class::factory() argument
 * Note, not applicable where property is defind as constant or as (class) static property
 * Return _static_

* `static` _bool_, true: static, false not static (default) * Note, if true, makeGetter/makeSetter alters to false, visibility to _PROTECTED_ * if required, use the `setVisibility()`-method after this one * Return _static_

 * ```const``` _bool_, true : constant, false : no constant, default 
 * Results in uppercase constant
 * Note, if true, makeGetter/makeSetter alters to false, visibility to _PUBLIC_
 * if required, use the ```setVisibility()```-method after this one
 * Return _static_

<small>Return to PcGen [README], [Summary]</small> 

[Common methods]