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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/encodings/cyrillic/koi8-r.tbl

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  Classes of harold rita   PHP Thesis Proposal Hub   application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/encodings/cyrillic/koi8-r.tbl   Download  
File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/encodings/cyrillic/koi8-r.tbl
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
Store and publish research thesis documents
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 1,796 bytes



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cyr_A 225 cyr_BE 226 cyr_CHE 254 cyr_DE 228 cyr_E 252 cyr_EF 230 cyr_EL 236 cyr_EM 237 cyr_EN 238 cyr_ER 242 cyr_ES 243 cyr_GHE 231 cyr_HA 232 cyr_HARD_SIGN 255 cyr_I 233 cyr_IE 229 cyr_KA 235 cyr_O 239 cyr_PE 240 cyr_SHA 251 cyr_SHCHA 253 cyr_SHORT_I 234 cyr_SOFT_SIGN 248 cyr_TE 244 cyr_TSE 227 cyr_U 245 cyr_VE 247 cyr_YA 241 cyr_YERU 249 cyr_IO 179 cyr_YU 224 cyr_ZE 250 cyr_ZHE 246 cyr_a 193 cyr_be 194 cyr_che 222 cyr_de 196 cyr_e 220 cyr_ef 198 cyr_el 204 cyr_em 205 cyr_en 206 cyr_er 210 cyr_es 211 graphic_100pc 141 graphic_25pc 144 graphic_50pc 145 graphic_75pc 146 graphic_LD 168 graphic_LR 160 graphic_LRD 184 graphic_LRT 187 graphic_LRTD 190 graphic_LRd 182 graphic_LRt 185 graphic_LRtd 188 graphic_LT 174 graphic_LTD 181 graphic_Ld 166 graphic_Lt 172 graphic_Ltd 178 graphic_RD 165 graphic_RT 171 graphic_RTD 177 graphic_Rd 162 graphic_Rt 170 graphic_Rtd 175 graphic_TD 161 copyright 191 degree 156 graphic_dintegral 155 graphic_divide 159 graphic_equal 151 graphic_fatdot 149 graphic_ge 153 graphic_lD 167 graphic_lT 173 graphic_lTD 180 graphic_ld 131 graphic_le 152 graphic_leandot 158 graphic_lefthalf 142 graphic_lowerhalf 140 graphic_lr 128 graphic_lrD 183 graphic_lrT 186 graphic_lrTD 189 graphic_lrd 136 graphic_lrt 137 graphic_lrtd 138 graphic_lt 133 graphic_ltd 135 graphic_power2 157 graphic_rD 164 graphic_rT 169 graphic_rTD 176 graphic_rd 130 graphic_righthalf 143 graphic_root 150 graphic_rt 132 graphic_rtd 134 nbspace 154 graphic_square 148 graphic_td 129 graphic_tintegral 147 graphic_upperhalf 139 cyr_ghe 199 cyr_ha 200 cyr_hard_sign 223 cyr_i 201 cyr_ie 197 cyr_ka 203 cyr_o 207 cyr_pe 208 cyr_sha 219 cyr_shcha 221 cyr_short_i 202 cyr_soft_sign 216 cyr_te 212 cyr_tse 195 cyr_u 213 cyr_ve 215 cyr_ya 209 cyr_yeru 217 cyr_io 163 cyr_yu 192 cyr_ze 218 cyr_zhe 214